Our Works

A modern city that includes most of the services such as schools, hospitals, shops, etc.

First modern mosque in Iraq that includes everything!

First peace tower in Kurdistan!

Visit Altun Bazar for the best and highest quality

Company's word

We are pleased to express to you our full willingness and readiness to cooperate with you in executing all projects according to the technical specifications you require, as well as our readiness to supply you with all your needs of materials, devices, equipment and furniture from the best known international origins hoping to participate with you in Iraq reconstruction campaign. We are confident that you will find what we presented above is suit-able to meet your needs and we look forward to the joint work for the future projects with you.

Many organizations realize the benefits of forming work teams.

Employees need to realize the importance of working well with their teammates when coming into a new job or an existing one. A team player is more valuable.

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